Without Support There Would Be No Road Hockey
It takes a lot of effort and organization to put the World's largest Road Hockey fundraiser together. Our partners play a key role in helping to offset the costs of the event so that we can focus on raising significant funds for life-saving cancer research at The Princess Margaret. Without their steadfast commitment to the cause, we wouldn’t be able to produce a world-class event that keeps players like you coming back year after year.To all of our partners, thank you.
2024 Road Hockey Partners
Fuelled by
Play With the Leaders
Road Hockey’s Executive Committee is made up of key players who help identify leaders in Canadian business and recruit others who are ready to help Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime.They take the reins on industry challenges and spread the word to potential teams or within their organizations. When it comes to fundraising success, it’s a safe bet that this accomplished group was working hard behind the scenes.