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Throughout the year, this is where you’ll find all of the all-star “extras” to support your fundraising efforts. From team-building challenges to fund-matching opportunities and great prizes, it’s all here. Check back throughout the season for more great ways to give your Road Hockey fundraising a boost.


The 2024 MNP All-Star Program

Ready to achieve Road Hockey fame? Hit these individual fundraising milestones by September 12 to score MNP All-Star status and receive exclusive rewards and recognition on game day!

Tier 1: MNP All-Star Top 15 Fundraiser

Make Road Hockey history by being one of the top 15 Road Hockey individual fundraisers and receive:

Tier 2: MNP All-Star

Raise $3,000+ 

Fundraise Now      Register Now

For questions about the MNP All-Star Program, please email us at


Join Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer.